Department of Surveying Engineering

Surveying involves activities such as mapping the earth above and below sea level; determining the position of the boundaries of public or private land including national and international boundaries; providing geospatial information necessary for the construction of private and public works; designing, establishing and administering of land and geographic information systems (LIS/GIS) and the integration of the data within those systems; positioning and monitoring of physical features, structures and engineering works; planning, development and re-development of property whether urban or rural; determining facts about the size, shape and gravity field of the earth; conducting hydrographic surveys for marine and coastal infrastructure development; and conducting high precision measurements for worldwide control networks and for industrial applications and scientific studies.

Program Description

Surveying Engineering department shall become a model department in the country which emphasizes economic development and department-enterprise cooperation, and model for excellence in teaching, learning and applied research to play a leading role in building of the nation.

Rationale, Objectives, Outcome of the Program

Program Rationale

The Rationale of the program is to Promote a strong sense of ethics and professionalism in the fields of surveying and mapping, to Produce an engineer who plan, manage, monitor and evaluate the operation in any cadastral and mapping surveys, to Produce an engineer who undertakes reconnaissance, preliminary and construction activities in civil engineering, irrigation and construction projects, to Produce an engineer who applies basic mathematical, scientific, legal and measurement principles that form the theoretical framework of professional surveying practice.



The objective of the program is to produce well-balanced engineers with up-to-date engineering knowledge & skills, and high aspirations to excellence, poverty alleviation and leadership, to conduct and foster creative research by addressing the needs of industry, government and the scientific community, To render consultancy services to the community.


Program Outcome

The ability to select and apply the knowledge, techniques, skills, and modern tools of their disciplines to broadly-defined engineering technology activities, an ability to select and apply a knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology to engineering technology problems that require the application of principles and applied procedures or methodologies, able  to conduct standard tests and measurements; to conduct, analyze, and interpret experiments; and to apply experimental results to improve processes


Programs Detail

UG Programs & Modality

BSc in surveying Engineering (Regular & Weekend Modality)

PG Programs & Modality

MSc in Geomatics Engineering in Regular Modality

Research Supervisors


Dr. S.S. Manugula (PhD)

 Professor in Department of
Surveying & Geomatics Engineering


Head of Department

Marga Teshale

Surveying Engineering Department Head
Phone Number: 0917854056