Training for Female Students

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A Training on “Empowering Female Students in Engineering Education” was given to Pre-Engineering female students.

College of Engineering and Technology (CET) successfully conducted Training on “Empowering Female Students in Engineering Education on 19th February 2022. The training was organized and supported by INDMET project office. In the opening speech, Dr. Halima Jibril, Gender Affairs Directorate Director of the University cherished and congratulated the dedicative work being done by the project leader, Dr Endalkachew Mosisa to empower female students and help them create vision through organizing such trainings. Dr.Halima, in her speech short presentations she touched upon that female students should first develop their self image, self esteem, and self confidence that they can do, compete, excel in their education despite external challenges.

INDMET project leader Dr. Endalkachew Mosisa, Dean of CET presented a brief aim and objectives of the training. As per the discussion of project leader and gender mainstreaming initiative of the project plan is access to education and personal hygiene resources like hygiene articles, local transport, stationery etc are some of the issues prioritized to support female students.

Ms. Tsion Amsalu, Engineering and Technology College staff has presented on “Female Students empowerment in Engineering Education”. She mentioned many valuable points regarding the student’s developments in different disciplines. Besides, Dr. P.T. Anitha, Engineering and Technology College staff advised how to face the challenges in has spoken on Engineering disciplines and the different opportunities available for female engineering graduates. She has also encouraged the students if they persist in their career that they can pursue their further education in doctorate program by sharing her lived experiences of engineering studies.

Similarly, Ms. Meskerem, Engineering and Technology College staff spoke about female engineers and advised on how to overcome social and academic challenges as a University students taking exemplary female engineers at higher positions and in a very good Jobs.At the end of the training, Dr. Melka Hika, vice president for Academic Affairs and Dr Endalkachew Mosisa, dean of CET and INDMET project leader awarded female students top five scorers in Pre-Engineering with cash prizes obtained from INDMET project fund.