Training for Female Instructors

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Female Instructors Training Successfully Completed.

Wollega University, College of Engineering and Technology (CET) organized training for three days on 3D Modeling, Simulation and Data Analysis for female academic staff through the INDMET (Institutional Network for Design and Manufacturing Education & Training) project. As it is known NORHED II aims to strengthen and support the capacity of higher education institutions in developing countries to produce higher-quality graduates, higher-quality research, and more inclusive higher education. Accordingly, INDMET project granted funding through NORHED II to enhance gender equality and inclusion of marginalized groups in education and research.

Accordingly, wollega University (WU) organized a training for three days for the University’s female instructors teaching in the College of Engineering and Technology (CET) and researchers on the framework of 3D Modeling, Simulation and Data Analysis. Moreover, the training session mainly focused on developing various research activities through different mathematical modeling, computation and data analysis, algorithm, scientific and engineering graphics, visualization, simulation of computer model structures, electronics, or machine components, graphics design using Latex, MATLAB, ANSYS, QGIS and GEE.

The training was officially opened by the University’s higher management body (Dr. Diriba Diba Gemeda, Vice President for Research, Community Engagement and University Industry Linkage of WU). The dean of the college and the project leader, Dr. Endalkachew Mosisa, on his behalf, briefed about the INDMET Project to the training participants.

At the end of the training Dr. Halima Jibril gender office affairs director shared her personal academic career stories that probably gives the trainees inspiration, strength and courage. Moreover, Engineering and Technology College dean also highlighted the importance of advanced software for young, novice female instructors and researchers, to assist them use in their future careers. Finally, the dean thanked all trainers Dr. Geremu Lamesa, Dr. Habtamu Fikadu, Dr. Muleta, Mr. Tadese Beyene, Mr. Robsan Abebe and Adisu Boshe for their active engagement during the training sessions.