INDMET Project Continued Capacity Building Activities

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As part of the Institutional Network for Design  and Manufacturing Education and Training (INDMET) project office’s plan, the office purchased scientific and office equipment for Wollega University, College of Engineering and Technology, Mechanical Engineering department.

As it is known, the education part of the project continued producing  workforce at different educational levels within design and manufacturing education.  As part of institutional capacity building attention is also given to the current status of the University’s research laboratories of the college. It was already considered in the budget plan that  Scientific equipment and infrastructure be fulfilled as it is the with the most pressing demands of the project. To this end, the items are selected with the highest priorities while matching the total cost with the budget plan. Accordingly, the following listed scientific and office equipment are delivered to Wallaga University and ready for use: 

  1. CNC Milling Machine, Germany 
  2. Ultimaker S5 3D Printer
  3. Hp LaserJet Photocopy and Color Printer 
  4. LCD Projector (EB-X39) 
  5. MacBook Air Laptop

These scientific and office equipment aimed at establishing research laboratories that  promote innovation and creativity skills within new product development approaches supported by 3D printing and rapid prototyping approaches in product design. The project coordinator and dean of the College of Engineering and Technology (CET) stated that even though much work is expected in the future, the addition of these recent technologies of 3D Printing and Computer Numerical Control Machines can stimulate creative thinking of our researchers and students.