Call for MSc Scholarship (NORSTIP)

The Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dr) has established a new scholarship scheme (NORSTIP) for students from selected partner countries aiming to foster economic development and welfare in partner institutions running NORHED, NORPART or…


Call for Application to a Doctoral Study (3rd round)

Wallaga University, College of Engineering and Technology invites applicants for PhD in Manufacturing Engineering. The program is funded by NORHED II from NORAD through the INDMET (Institutional Network for Design…

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Wallaga University

Call for Application to a Doctoral Study

Call for Application to a Doctoral Study (Second Round) Wallaga University, College of Engineering and Technology invites applicants for PhD in Manufacturing Engineering. The program is funded by NORHED II from…

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MSc Scholarship in Mechanical Design

Call for Application for Admission to MSc Program at Wallaga University (Second Round) Wollega University, College of Engineering and Technology invite applicants for MSc in Mechanical Design. The program is…

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Call for Scholarship

Call for Scholarship for Industry Engineers and Related Institutions Wollega University, College of Engineering and Technology, Mechanical Engineering Departement, Institutional Network for Design, Manufacturing Education and Training  (INDMET) project office…

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Wallaga University

Call for TVET Scholarship

Call for Scholarship (Only for TVET Teachers and Industry Engineers) Wollega University, College of Engineering and Technology, Institutional Network for Design, Manufacturing Education and Training (INDMET) project office invites 6…

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Wallaga University

Call for Application to a Doctoral Study

Call for Application to a Doctoral Study (First Round) Wollega University, College of Engineering and Technology invite applicants for PhD in Manufacturing Engineering. The program is funded by the NORHED…

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