CET: Training Workshop

A Teaining Workshop on ''Additive and Subtractive Prototyping that focuses on 3D Modelling, 3D Printing and CNC” that has been underway from 29 August to 02 September, 2023 in College…


Call for Training

INDMET project office in collaboration with College of Engineering and Technology  organized practical-based lab training starting from August 08/2023 to August 12/2023 on newly purchased laboratory equipments. The training will…

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Call for Application to a Doctoral Study (3rd round)

Wallaga University, College of Engineering and Technology invites applicants for PhD in Manufacturing Engineering. The program is funded by NORHED II from NORAD through the INDMET (Institutional Network for Design…

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Training on Empowering Females in Engineering

Wallaga University, College of Engineering and Technology has planned to conduct a training on June 16, 2023, starting from 7:30 LT. Training title: Impacts of Social Media on Students' Academic…

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Model Exit Exam Successfully Completed

Wallaga University, Engineering and Technology College successfully completed the Model Exit Exam by using the INDMET Project E-Learning System. As a part of the INDMET project funded by NORHED II,…


INDMET Project Continued Capacity Building Activities

As part of the Institutional Network for Design  and Manufacturing Education and Training (INDMET) project office's plan, the office purchased scientific and office equipment for Wollega University, College of Engineering…

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