Summer Workshop Successfully Completed

Summer Workshop Successfully Completed at Wollega University, College of Engineering and Technology The summer workshop, organized in collaboration with the University of Stavanger through the INDMET Project, has successfully concluded…


Call for MSc Scholarship (NORSTIP)

The Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dr) has established a new scholarship scheme (NORSTIP) for students from selected partner countries aiming to foster economic development and welfare in partner institutions running NORHED, NORPART or…


INDMET Project Annual Meeting, 2023

The Annual Meeting of the Institutional Network for Design and Manufacturing Education & Training (INDMET) project for the year 2023 brought together online representatives from Wollega University, Jimma University, and…


ETC-INDMET Project Office Awarded Top Scorers of Female Students

The INDMET project office conducted a short training and award program for Engineering and Technology College female students. The program commenced with an opening speech by Dr. Endalkachew Mosisa, INDMET…

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