Call for Application to a Doctoral Study (3rd round)

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Wallaga University, College of Engineering and Technology invites applicants for PhD in Manufacturing Engineering. The program is funded by NORHED II from NORAD through the INDMET (Institutional Network for Design and Manufacturing Education & Training) project. One position is vacant from September 1st 2023 for Doctoral Study and the candidates are fully funded for a three years period.

The applicants must be employees of Wallaga University and must satisfy the admission requirements of the doctoral programs of Stavanger and Wallaga University. The candidate must sign a Cotutelle Agreement that entitles the candidate to get a diploma from University of Stavanger and home institution (Wallaga University). To get permission to pursue doctoral study under this project, the candidate must also sign a written agreement to complete the research within three years and a written service agreement with Wallaga University for a period of twice the period funded by the project.

The doctoral study includes relevant course loads to about six months of study, a dissertation based on independent research, participation in national and international research environments, relevant academic communication, a trial lecture and public defense. The appointed candidate must spend one year of the study time at University of Stavanger, Norway.

Qualification Requirements:

To be eligible for admission to the doctoral study, the applicant must have strong and relevant backgrounds in the Mechanical Engineering discipline and both the grade for the master’s thesis and the weighted average grade of the master’s degree courses equivalent to or better than a B grade.

Submission of Application:

In addition to an updated CV, transcripts and diplomas from MSc and BSc studies, you must submit a cover letter explaining your interest in the project and the relevance of your background and experience as well as a research proposal of maximum 10 pages. The research proposal must contain a concise title, brief review of relevant literature, planned research methodology, significance of the research and expected outputs.

Evaluation of Applications:

Applying candidates’ academic achievements are evaluated by common evaluation criteria of partner institutions. Moreover, the candidates are expected to submit and present feasibility of their research proposal, service year and relevance of background. In addition, emphasis will be given on:

  • Motivation and potential for research within the field;
  • Professional and personal skills for completing the doctoral degree within the timeframe;
  • Ability to work independently and in a team, be innovative and creative;
  • Ability to work structured and handle a heavy workload;
  • Having a good command of both oral and written English

The doctoral candidate is salaried according to the PhD scale in Ethiopia for part of study spent at Wallaga University in Ethiopia, and according to the Norwegian Research Council’s rates for PhD fellows’ research stays while on mobility to Stavanger University, Norway. In addition, the candidate’s travel costs for two trips to/from Stavanger and travel to approved conferences including conference fees are covered by the project.

Application deadline: August 18, 2023

Synopsis Presentation: August 25, 2023

N.B. Female candidates are encouraged and candidates who succeeded in all the recruitment processes should submit the official transcript of his/her BSc and MSc degree to Wallagga University, Main Registrar Office. If you have further questions about the position, please contact the project leader Dr. Endalkachew Mosisa ( at Wallagga University.