Call for Application for Admission to MSc Program

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Call for Application for Admission to MSc Program at Wallaga University (4th Round Re-announcement)

Wallaga University, College of Engineering and Technology, invites applicants for MSc studies in Manufacturing Engineering program. The study is funded by NORHED II program from NORAD through the INDMET (Institutional Network for Design and Manufacturing Education & Training) project, which is a collaboration project between University of Stavanger (UiS) in Norway, Wallaga and Jimma University in Ethiopia. Two MSc positions are vacant from September 2024 funded for a two years study period.

Recent graduates of Wallaga University in Mechanical Engineering (Mechanical Design or Manufacturing stream) or Industrial Engineering are welcome to apply. Priority will be given for employees of Wallaga University. Female candidates and candidates from disadvantaged groups are strongly encouraged to apply.

Employees of WU are exempted from paying tuition fees. However, they must sign a written service agreement with WU for a period of twice the period funded by the project.

For non-employees of WU, the scholarship does not create or entitle an employer-employee relationship and hence the grant is without commitments to WU, but the candidates must sign a written agreement with INDMET Office to complete the MSc study within two years. These groups of candidates must also pay tuition fees to WU from their grant.

Qualification Requirements:

To be considered for enrollment in this Master’s program, the applicant must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Employees or recent graduates of Wallaga University (2012 – 2016 E.C)
  • Must have strong and relevant backgrounds in the Mechanical Engineering discipline
  • Minimum CGPA 2.75 for female and 3.00 for male students.
  • Fulfill PG admission requirement of Wallaga University including GAT

Evaluation of applications:

Applying candidates’ academic achievements, entrance exam and presentation of BSc project work evaluated at Wallaga University. The selected candidates are salaried according to MSc scale for part of study spent at Wallaga University.

Application deadline: September 20, 2024 Entrance exam: September 25, 2024

N.B. Candidates who succeeded in all the recruitment processes should submit the official transcript of his/her BSc degree to Wallaga University, main registrar office. If you have further questions about the position, please contact the project leader Dr. Endalkachew Mosisa ( at Wallaga University.