Title: A Hybrid Nondominant-Based Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II) for Multiobjective Optimization...
Read MoreWollega University, Engineering and Technology College
Wollega University, Engineering and Technology College is an educational institution recognized by Ethiopian Ministry of Education.
Dr. Ginbar Ensermu (PhD)
Wollega University, Engineering and Technology College Dean
Email: ginbalem@gmail.com
Wollega University, Engineering Technology College is the emerging institution in teaching activity and applied research at local and global wise. Engineering Technology College goes through offering students for broad spectrum of professional careers in technology, research innovation and laboratory to solve the real world problems.
Engineering & Technology College has been established in 2008 G.C (2000 E.C) which are enrolling undergraduate and postgraduate students under 12 programs. Those students will be enrolled as regular, evening and weekend under the following programs:
Architecture, Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Construction Technology and Management, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Food Engineering, Hydraulics and Water Resource Engineering, Information Science, Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Surveying Engineering, Urban and Regional Planning.
Whereby some programs contain specialization area which will be chosen by students after complete their common courses like Electrical and Computer Engineering (Control, Computer and Power) and Mechanical Engineering (Design, Manufacturing, Industrial, Motor vehicles, Thermal) focus.
Engineering & Technology College works on local and overseas students’ satisfaction such as registration, field choice, and grading. Besides it deliver student centered learning experience with the implementation of continues assessments which involve students in curriculum and co-curriculum activities. The aim is to overcome skill and knowledge gap to make them more competent all over the world in innovation technology and research wise.
Conventional Machining of Metal Matrix Composites towards Sustainable Manufacturing—Present Scenario and Future Prospects
Title: Conventional Machining of Metal Matrix Composites towards Sustainable Manufacturing—Present...
Read MoreStudying the Moderating Effects of Additive Manufacturing Best Practices Between Supply Chain Complexity and Its Performance
Title: Studying the Moderating Effects of Additive Manufacturing Best Practices...
Read MoreEffects of process parameters on the surface characteristics of laser powder bed fusion printed parts
Title: Effects of process parameters on the surface characteristics of...
Read MoreResearch & Project
Wollega University, Engineering & Technology College (WU, ETC) usually, makes collaboration with nation and international for different scholastic issues like course and course curriculum. Currently, Wollega University, Engineering and Technology College started a mega project called INDMET with University of Stavanger and Jimma University.
University of Stavanger
WU Engineering & Technology College, together with partners Jimma University and University of Stavanger started a collaborative project called INDMET (“Institutional Network for Design and Manufacturing Education & Training”) granted for fund under NORAD through NORHED-II.
Orebro University
WU, ETC and the Linnaeus-Palme of Sweden Government supported Partnership Orebro University of Sweden made collaboration for postgraduate program under Architecture and Urban and Regional Planning. The overall purpose of the project is by mutual shared experiences and knowledge in higher education of urban and regional planning to nurture and accomplishes the increased capacity to deal with sustainability issues in Ethiopia and Sweden.
WU, Engineering & Technology College enrolls number of students whom each terms leave for internships to different host organization. Those organization and WU, ETC communicate on the student’s specialization, duration of internship and the curriculum revisions for further common good. In case the local government and non-government host organization deal with WU, ETC to give practical training on the behalf on the institute. Whereby, the student will go through different challenge of science and skill gap to handle the remedy of existing society problem.