Training for High School Female Students Completed

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CET Conducted training on ”Empowering Female Students in Engineering Education”

A training on “Empowering Female Students in Engineering Education” for female secondary school students has been successfully completed, covering all high schools located in Nekemte town. The training was mainly intended for early guidance of female students in their future mapping, creating awareness for taking up their future studies, and motivating them to improve their quality towards facing the challenges physically and mentally to achieve heights in their careers.

The main topics of the training included: life skills training, how female students develop their self-awareness, self-esteem, and self-confidence; how to overcome social and academic challenges; how to use social media effectively for educational purposes; how female students study hard to join a university; and other related topics.

Generally, the training has been conducted for five different secondary and preparatory schools located in Nekemte town (Nekemte Secondary School, Leka Nekemte Preparatory School, Dalo Secondary School, Darge Secondary School and Biftu Nekemte Secondary School). Top five scorers among female students from each secondary school were awarded cash prizes.