Training Workshop is Underway at CET, WU

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The training Workshop was organized for the target groups from TVET College teachers and Industry Engineers as per the objectives of the INDMET Project office for training and Education. The training title was set based on preliminary survey made involving the target groups, and the members of the participants are given based on Quota to existing surrounding TVET Colleges and Industries (Arjo Sugar Industry, Arjo TVET College, Bako Agricultural Mechanization, ERA Nekemte District, Nekemte TVET, Najo TVET, Fincha Sugar Factory, Shambu TVET College, Ambo TVET College, Dambi Dollo TVET College, Bila TVET College and Sire TVET college)

Following a brief introduction about the program and the schedule by Mr. Wakgari Dibaba, a welcome address has been made by Mr. Zelalem Tesfaye, University-Industry Linkage Directorate Director. Mr. Zelalem has noted the key importance of such training program to strengthen the linkage between the university, industries and relevant stakeholders.

The training program was officially opened with an opening speech made by Dr. Diriba Diba, Research, Community Engagement and Industry Linkage V/President, and delegate of the university president. Dr. Diriba has expressed his sincere appreciation and gratitude to the CET dean and organizing team for the continued effort to organize such training programs during these break times that are an essential part of preparations for future career of the coming academic year. Moreover, Dr. Diriba has highlighted the great implication of this training program as the title of the training is in line with the key focus areas given by MOE to Applied Science Universities, and as it is among areas for center of excellence identified by the university as well. “Hence this is well planned, timely and highly essential training program which all the participants need to attend with full engagement from beginning to the end”, remarked by Dr. Driba.

The training workshop on product development was delivered by Dr. Endalkachew Mosisa, Dean of CET and INDMET Project Coordinator at WU followed by an intensive discussion with the participants.

The training workshop is supposed to continue for the next five days covering the essential topics such as Product Development, CAD Laboratory, Rapid Prototyping, CNC Programming and Operation, CNC Milling and 3D printing all of which would involve lab demonstrations for the l practical skills.