Research Training and Curriculum Review Workshop (April 03-11/2023)

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A training and curriculum review workshop is planned by college of Engineering and Technology, Wallaga University in collaboration with INDMET Project office. The Workshop is planned to be held for two weeks long from April 03 -11/2023 with a series of gaped lectures by the honorable guest, successive sessions of discussions and active engagements of participants for the purpose of which it is scheduled during this semester break.

The training part focuses on two components;

(1) Research Design/Methodology and

(2) Research Grant Writing.

The Research Design/Methodology part is planned to be PART I of the training. This training is supposed to address key issues of research design, methodologies and others, which would improve the research endeavors of our Post Graduate Students and ETC-staffs. 

The Research Grant Writing is planned to be PART II of the training. This is supposed to be an extended part of the training that was held previously on August 1/2022 on the topic “Research Grant Writing ” by Professor Hirpha Lemu from University of Stavanger, Norway, project partner and main coordinator of INDMET project. This training will involve teamwork on an assumed fictive call for project proposal.

Both training parts of the Workshop are deemed to be a vital opportunity for our Post Graduate Students (MSc, PhD) and all interested Staff are welcome to share experiences & lessons, and success stories, on top of the scientific research processes and approaches.

The Curriculum Review will be conducted based on the request from departments for the review process. As a result, selected curricula of both MSc and PhD existing programs will be reviewed by invited external reviewers, internal reviewers and all concerned staff members of the University.

Overall Schedule of the Workshop

1.     Research Design /Methodology

Date and time: April 03 and04 /2023; starting from 2:30
Place (room): Mechanical Eng. Smart Room

2.     Curriculum Review

Date and time: April 06 and 07/2023; starting from 2:30

Place (room): Mechanical Eng. Smart Room2.     

3. Research Grant Writing

Date and time: April 10 and 11/2023; starting from 2:30
Place (room): Mechanical Eng. Smart Room