External Curriculum Review Held

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College of Engineering and Technology (CET) Reviewed four MSc. Programs.

The college organized the review workshop in collaboration with INDMET Project for selected MSc programs on the basis that during their implementations, the offering/owning departments in particular and the college in general, have been encountering challenges. It was also told that the necessity of reviewing the existing curricula being given is to obtain information on their applied aspects and to standardize the programs to international context.

MSc. Curricula reviewed by external scholars in the area include:

  1. MSc. in Mechanical System Design (New) by Prof. Hirpa Lemi Gelgel from Stavanger University of Norway;
  2. MSc. in Thermal Engineering (existing) by Getachew Shunki (PhD) from Addis Ababa Science and Technology University.
  3. MSc. in Structural Engineering (existing) by Habtamu Getachew (PhD) from Jimma University; and
  4. MSC. in Geomatics Engineering (existing) by Dejene Tesema (PhD) from Adama Science and Technology University.

The review includes contents of the courses identified in each Curriculum, their flows and/or sequence, course design, to check whether the programs meet graduation requirements, etc.

The College of Engineering and Technology, and School of Graduate Studies have extended their gratitude to all external reviewers, internal presenters on each program, organizers of the review workshop in general.

His Excellency, Hasan Yusuf (PhD), has thanked all stakeholders in this project: namely Prof. Hirpha Lemu, INDEMT Proect Leader from Stavanger University of Norway, Endalkachew Mosisa(PhD), INDEMT Project Leader at Wallaga University for organizing the training workshop on Research Project Grant Writing, Capacity building training for TVET teachers and Industry engineers and MSc. Curricula review to fit the University’s post graduate programs to international standard and the focus of Applied Science University.