Training for Female Students

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Training on “Early Guidance to Female Students in Engineering Education” was given to Female Students of Grade 12, Leka Nekemte Preparatory School.

As part of the INDMET project activities, training was given to Leka Nekemte Preparatory School on “Early Guidance to Female Students in Engineering Education”.

The school Director, Mr Chali Tesema, delivered a welcome address. In his speech, the director also emphasized the importance and benefits of the training to the students. Later, Dr. Alima Jibril, Gender Affairs Director of Wollega University, motivated the students for higher education and career for their future, among all odds and challenges a female student facing in her life and guided them to focus on their education and shine well.

Three instructors Ms. Tigist, Ms. Meskarem and Ms. Jayanthi Ramalingam, gave training to students through presentation, on skills development and opportunities available for female students in this competitive world. The training was mainly focused on early guidance for female students in their future mapping, facing challenges in University life, eminent female role models in national and international level.

In closing speech, Dr. Endalkachew Mosisa, Dean, College of Engineering and Technology and INDMET project leader at Wollega University, enlightened on the significance of this training program and motivated the students to utilize their natural potential efficiently to reach greater heights in life.

After the training, students interacted with the team and expressed the way this training helped them to be aware of the supports available for them. At the end of the training, top five scorers of female students from grade 12 were awarded with cash prizes. The training program was concluded with the appreciation of the school director and teacher for the professional concern shown from the training organizer and trainers.