Training for Secondary School Female Students

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A Training on “Early Guidance of Female Students to Engineering Professions” Given to Nekemte Secondary School Grade 12th Female Students

As part of the NORD INDMET activities, training given to Nekemte Secondary School on “Early Guidance of Female Students to Engineering Professions”. The training was officially opened by the school Director, Dereje Banti. He welcomed all and highlighted the importance of the training. Dr. Alima, Gender Affairs Director of Wollega University gave an estimable beginning speech with a motivated speech of how to improve self-confidence followed by how to improve the abilities of female students and how they can exhibit their talents by overcoming their snags. Later on, Engineering and Technology College Dean Dr. Endalkachew Mosisa also bestowed a short report on the outcomes of this training program. 

On the other hand, three trainers Dr. P.T.Anitha, Ms. Tsion and Ms. Meskarem delivered a constructive presentation towards the skill development and the opportunities obtainable for the female students in this versatile world. The training was mainly intended for early guidance of female students in their future mapping, creating awareness for taking up their future studies and motivating them to improve their quality towards facing the challenges physically and mentally to achieve heights in their careers. 

At the end of the training, top five scorers of female students from grade 12 natural science were awarded with cash prizes.  The training program was concluded with the appreciation of the School director for the professional concern shown from the training organizer and trainers.