Training for Female Students

A Training on “Empowering Female Students in Engineering Education” was given to Pre-Engineering female students. College of Engineering and Technology (CET) successfully conducted Training on “Empowering Female Students in Engineering…

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Training for Female Instructors

Female Instructors Training Successfully Completed. Wollega University, College of Engineering and Technology (CET) organized training for three days on 3D Modeling, Simulation and Data Analysis for female academic staff through…

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Read more about the article Call for Application to a Doctoral Study
Wallaga University

Call for Application to a Doctoral Study

Call for Application to a Doctoral Study (First Round) Wollega University, College of Engineering and Technology invite applicants for PhD in Manufacturing Engineering. The program is funded by the NORHED…

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Read more about the article Project Kick-Off Webinar Meeting Held
Stavanger University

Project Kick-Off Webinar Meeting Held

WU, together with partners Jimma University, University of Stavanger, Norway have kicked-off digitally a collaborative project: “Institutional Network for Design and Manufacturing Education & Training (ENDMET)”. A project funded for…